
Standard Relational Operators

Standard relational operators are the core functionality of the AbstractLogic package. They allow for comparison between variables and comparison between variables and constants.

Basic Operators

Much Greater Than or Much Less Than

Even and Odd Operators

Grouping Syntax

Grouping Constraints

For example: a|b|c|d = 1 {3} will force at exactly three of the set a, b, c, and d to equal 1.

julia> logicalparse("a, b, c, d, e ∈ 1:6; a|b|c|d = 1 {3}")
a, b, c, d, e ∈ 1:6      feasible outcomes 7776 ✓        :2 5 6 6 1
a|b|c|d = 1 {3}                  feasible outcomes 120 ✓         :1 1 4 1 5

Math Operators

AbstractLogic can take a number of standard math operators +, -, *, and / (or the rounding operator ÷).